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In this episode, Dr. Josh Wright talks about choosing how he was able to choose the life of a professional pianist, rather than taking a traditional, familiar, “safe” career path.
We discuss:
1) How he started his Youtube Channel, growing it to 15,000 subscribers and millions of views
2) How he created a new stream of income by committing to producing 20 full-length videos on a specific timeline before he was certain he wouldn’t fail.
3) How creativity, consistency, and choosing the right mentors & teachers have allowed him to follow his passion, earn a decent living, and be more than “just a piano teacher.”
4) The secret to gaining your “1,000 true fans”.
5) Getting past the fear of imperfection and moving forward with consistent effort and vulnerability.
You’ll learn what judges look for at piano competitions, how to find a great piano teacher, and how, even as an adult, it’s not too late to learn an instrument.
Plus more, much much more.
Recommendation: I speak irritatingly slow in this episode, you may want to boost your playback speed to 1.5.
YouTube Channel:
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His website (buy his music, videos, and more)
Dee & Bob
Great podcast!!!
Gib Reimschussel
I really enjoyed this and appreciate the wisdom shared. I’m inspired to hustle, get out and do more. Thank you!
I like the questions and interview style… even the speed. Looking forward to the next episode!